Faculty Professional Development Annual Funding
Faculty may seek annual funding for engaging in scholarly activity as defined by Rank & Tenure criteria in the Faculty Handbook 2.6.1, and as supported by Article 15 in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. All funding approvals and reimbursements must adhere to the College's Travel and Business Expense Policy.
Applications should be submitted to the faculty member’s school Dean, per the Application Requirements listed in the section below, using the appropriate school form as follows:
Kalmanovitz School of Education Application Form
School of Economics and Business Administration Application Form
School of Liberal Arts Application Form*
School of Science Application Form
*Eligible bargaining unit faculty members (per course) whose teaching assignments are in Seminar and/or Jan Term should submit applications using the School of Liberal Arts form.
More detailed information on Award Categories, Award Amounts and Eligibility, and Reimbursement Processes are included in the sections below.
Research Awards
1. Research Award: Scholarly Conference
- Presentation of scholarly research as a paper or equivalent (e.g., a posted, round-table, panel paper, or musical or other artistic work) to one’s academic peers or equivalent
- Participation in a panel, workshop, or institute that requires significant scholarly preparation in order to develop greater expertise or to share disciplinary expertise.
- Scholarly activity that has been peer-reviewed or selected by a professional organization for inclusion in a conference program (e.g., invited paper, keynote address).
Participation must be documented with a letter of invitation or acceptance as well as a pdf or link to the conference program that includes your name as presenter.
2. Research Award: Preparation/Research Related to Scholarship
- Performing research in order to complete peer reviewed scholarship (e.g., books, articles, reviews, reports, creative work, scientific or technological projects). This includes travel to archives, field sites, or research institutes for data collection, interviews. It also includes translations, purchase of essential research materials, and stipends for outside research assistants.
If funding is requested for an ongoing scholarly project for which the applicant has previously received an award, the applicant must include a progress report demonstrating that the project has entered a new phase requiring additional funding. Equipment and unused materials become the property of SMC.
Administrative Awards
1. Administrative Award: Fulfillment of major administrative commitments (e.g. officers in a professional organization hosting the conference, major symposium coordinator, etc.) that require organizational work in advance of the conference and active duties during the conference.
Applications for Administrative Awards must include an email/letter of invitation or web link, and correspondence or an outline detaining the administrative work. Only one active administrative award is fundable annually.
Non Tenure-Track Faculty Development Awards
1. Non-Tenure Track Faculty Development Award for Scholarly and Pedagogical Activity: Conferences and workshops that advance a non-tenure track faculty’s professional development and/or teaching pedagogy and that may also benefit their department or school.
A. Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
Faculty are eligible to apply for up to $2,500 per academic year.
This includes Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty on the Rank & Tenure roster, including faculty on reduced services plan, academic administrators with faculty rank, and faculty on sabbatical. Professors Emeriti are ineligible for awards.
B. Salaried Adjunct & Visiting Professors
Faculty are eligible to apply for up to $2,100 per academic year.
C. Eligible Bargaining Unit Faculty Members Teaching Per-Course (Adjunct)
Faculty are eligible to apply for up to $2,100 per academic year.
See the CBA, Article 15, for eligibility criteria.
Note: Faculty on leave of absence are ineligible for awards.
Applications must include how the activity or project aligns with the Rank & Tenure Standards in the Faculty Handbook or, for non-Tenure-Track faculty, the alignment of the activity or project with your professional development goals as a member of the Saint Mary’s College faculty.
Funds are issued via Expense Report for reimbursement after the activity takes place. If you need funds in advance, please contact your school Dean’s office with this request.
Timing of Applications
- Applications are due a minimum of 6 weeks in advance of the activity.
- Applications must be submitted to the Dean’s office by the 20th of each month using the School-specific form.
- Applications made after the 20th will be reviewed with the following month’s applications.
- Applications for retroactive funding will not be considered.
TRAC Approval
Approval from the SMC Travel Risk Assessment Committee (TRAC) is required for all College-sponsored international travel and any travel with students outside of the Bay Area. TRAC Applications must be submitted one month before planned travel. Links: TRAC website and the TRAC Application Form. Please do not submit this application until you have applied for and received TRAC approval if your proposal includes international travel or travel with students outside of the Bay Area.
Purchases of Equipment or Software
These are not to be made out of pocket, but through the College’s procurement policy. Such requests must be made with the appropriate College department for purchase and approval
Expenses Not Covered
Membership fees in professional organizations are not typically paid through this fund unless this generates a substantial reduction in meeting registration fees.
Acknowledgment of Funding
If the project or activity results in a publication, you must acknowledge the support of Saint Mary’s College of California.
Funding Limitations
Please note that funds are limited and can only be awarded so long as the fund has not been depleted.
Cancellation of Activity
There are no penalties if you need to cancel plans for any reason. Simply contact your school Dean’s office to let them know as soon as possible.
Post-Activity Requirements
All funding approvals and reimbursements must adhere to the College's Travel and Business Expense Policy for reimbursable expenses as posted on the Business Office website.
Expense Reports must be submitted to the Dean’s office for approval no later than ten (10) working days from the date the expense was incurred.
You will be reimbursed for your activities once you have submitted all receipts and an expense report, otherwise the award may be rescinded and returned to the faculty development fund to enable other faculty to apply for funding.
If you are receiving funding from another source these reimbursements need to be treated separately.